Loyalty Program PoC with Tiger Brands

November 1, 2024

Proof Of Concept Project on Independent Loyalty Points Program Started.

X11, in tight collaboration with KasiKlippa, Tiger Brands and Samsung, has started the Proof Of Concept Project in Tembisa, Gauteng, South Africa. The project tests various technical methods to utilize smart contracts, Blockchain, and app-less Blockchain with X11 cards in informal economy.

Tiger Brands

Tiger Brands is one of South Africa’s largest manufacturers of fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), with a rich history dating back to its founding in 1921. Over the years, Tiger Brands has expanded its portfolio to include a wide range of food, beverages, and personal care products, operating across multiple segments such as Grains and Consumer Brands. Headquartered in Bryanston, Gauteng, Tiger Brands continues to play a significant role in the South African market and beyond, exporting to various African countries.